I made this blog primarily because it was an assignment for my journalism class. If I wasn’t getting a grade for this, then I would have never even thought to actually try it out. My intention for this blog is to help other individuals, including myself, learn more about being a senior in high school and help guiding through that transition to college. This blog is told from a high school senior who is struggling and seeking help to get through this last year in high school and I will continue to update this blog as my senior year continues. In the beginning of this school year I wished that there was a site like this to help me out, but there wasn’t and that is why I chose this as my topic. This blog is mainly focused on those who are struggling and in need for an extra kick to get them motivated, this is for the students who don’t fully comprehend the process of getting into and applying to college, and is especially for those who need to acknowledge that there is more to education than just high school and taking the next step in the outside world. I feel my blog is very informative and explains different aspects in which teachers and counselors may not or haven’t told you about that you need to know. It is a scary feeling graduating from high school and going to college but I am here to make it easier and as less stressful as possible. I am here to inform those high school students about the reality they will face when they become a senior and to show that it is difficult but they can get through it. One of my favorite posts is my tips to surviving senioritis, this shows everything that a senior will encounter and is pretty much a checklist for senior year. Many people find this very helpful because instead of keeping it in your head and overwhelming yourself, you have it right in front of you. I chose this topic to blog about because I felt that I needed to be the one to help others. I researched it plenty of times and there aren’t many sites that will break it down for you from the point of view from an actual senior. There are the informational web pages that seem to help those in need, but this is an entire site.
Senioritis is a so called myth, and it can be if you take the opportunity to motivate yourself and stay away from the procrastination. Others who are struggling need to be pulled out of this act and head toward a positive direction. Nobody wants their senior year to be full of overwhelming stress; they want to look back and know they were successful and made the most of their last moments in their high school career. Through the process of organizing, staying motivated and managing time correctly, everyone can be without senioritis but it’s not anybody else’s decision but yours to make it. There will be obstacles and draw backs but you need to make the time and the effort to better yourself because that will better your future.
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