se·nior·i·tis (sē-nyər-ˈī-təs) noun.

A common disease which plagues high school seniors at one point during their last year in high school.

Symptoms: laziness, excessive procrastination, repeated absenses, dismissive attitude, etc.

Cure: Graduation.

Monday, January 14, 2013

Public vs. Private Colleges

 Many students don’t know the difference between a public and a private college. In this post I will be differentiating between public college and private college.
-Largely supported by state funds
-If you go to public college in your home state the tuition is smaller and easier to be admitted
-If you go to public college out of your home state the tuition is greater and there are no benefits
-The state government pays for most of the cost of operating public college
-Wider range of majors than of private college
-Much larger in class size
-Larger selection of extracurricular activities
-Every state has at least one public university

-Don’t receive funds from state legislatures
-Rely heavily on tuition and private contributions
-Much smaller than public college
-Offer small range of majors, particularly academic focus
-Keeps classes small, easy access to professors
-More compact campus
-Offer better/more financial aid

Some students are scared to even apply to private college considering their high price, but the truth is that they offer more financial aid, they have more money to give away, just remember the more the college costs, the more money they have to give away. Don't exclude all options, you shouldn't make a decision on a college until you get all the financial aid packages. You might be surprised how much lower the cost of a private school might actually be. Although there are many differences between public and private colleges, the only way to know for sure that you want either or is to do a college visit.

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